5 essential skincare tips for each phase of your menstrual cycle

Do you break out more around your periods? How is your skin affected by the hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle? How does this cycle affect the reproductive system and the appearance and health of your skin? In this blog post, we'll explore how your menstrual cycle influences your skin. 

Menstrual Cycle's Impact on Skin Health 

At the beginning of your menstrual cycle, the menstrual phase marks a hormone decline, specifically estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone gradually increases during this time. This shift in hormones can cause your skin to become dry and sensitive. However, there's no need to worry. UB suggests that your skin needs to be hydrated and treated gently during this phase, so you should avoid harsh exfoliants and use nurturing serums instead.


Your skin's condition is closely linked to your daily habits, which can vary throughout your menstrual cycle. Sleep is particularly important during your period, as it helps your skin cells regenerate. However, many women experience sleep disturbances before their period, which can negatively affect their skin. 

Consuming iron-rich leafy greens and fruits packed with vitamins can help mitigate the effects of hormonal changes on the skin. During the days leading up to ovulation, the skin may require lighter, non-comedogenic moisturizers and careful hydration to balance the natural oils' intensifying crescendo.

In this context, stress and exercise emerge as two key factors. When done in moderation and with mindfulness, physical activity can be a form of self-care that promotes blood flow and gives a natural blush to the cheeks. However, cortisol - the skin's arch-nemesis - triggers inflammation and blemishes when stress levels spike.

Skincare Tips for Each Phase

Understanding the changes in your skin during your menstrual cycle is important for choosing the right skincare routine. 

During the menstrual phase, when the skin tends to become dry, it is recommended to use hydrating products that contain hyaluronic acid and creamy ceramides. Avoid using harsh exfoliants and opt for gentler products to soothe your skin.

As you move into the follicular phase, your skin needs a skincare routine that complements the natural increase in collagen production. To achieve this, it is recommended to use antioxidant-rich products such as vitamin C and lightly exfoliate your skin. Additionally, consider using serums that support skin renewal.

During ovulation, your skin may become oily, affecting its balance and appearance. To maintain healthy skin, using non-comedogenic formulations and a gel-based cleanser is important.

During the luteal phase, you may experience breakouts and oiliness. To combat these issues, it is recommended to use skincare products that contain salicylic acid and niacinamide. Go for gentle and anti-inflammatory skincare products.

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